An area is which there is tragically a great deal of confusion among both believers in Jesus, as well as non-Christians, has to do with heaven. In the brief article below written by Randy Alcorn (who has made it one of his specialties to research everything the Bible says about heaven) you will get clarity that will remove this very common confusion — if you are impacted by it currently.

My friends — as believers we will not ‘end up forever’ floating on a cloud somewhere as spirits without bodies. No, we will ‘end up’ with new bodies (redeemed-immortal-bodies — different from the ones we have currently — but bodies nonetheless) — AND — we will be living out eternity back here on a new earth (not ‘up in heaven among the clouds’) that will be completely free forever from sin, and death, and pain.

Read the great clarification on this that you can find here — and rejoice in what is coming!