This site is an extension of my desire to fulfill the life focus which the Lord gave me many years ago. Namely, that of seeking to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things, for the joy of all peoples, through Jesus Christ.”

My background:
– Raised in Los Angeles.
– Pastored churches in California, Arizona, and Washington state (1977-2007).
– Most recently (2007-2020) served as an international church leadership and church planting trainer on staff with
Global Training Network , equipping indigenous church leaders in India, Nepal, Cambodia, Uganda, Nigeria, Ukraine, China, Brazil, and Argentina.
– Currently (2020-present) serving as a volunteer Ambassador team member of
The Timothy Initiative .

My ministry passion is twofold: First, to share the Good News of Jesus with as many people as I can. This website is one of my attempts to do so. Second, to equip other believers in how together we can fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus which He gave to us in Matthew 28:18-20by means of the disciple making methodology of the apostle Paul as laid out for us in 2 Timothy 2:1-2.

May you be encouraged in your own relationship with Jesus as His disciple, and resourced into a fruitful disciple making lifestyle though the ministry resources of this website.